Welcome to Ayton Primary School!

A photo of our school

News from school 📚

April/May 2024 Newsletter

Welcome back to the new school term. The staff and I hope you all had an enjoyable and fun Easter break. Mrs Horsburgh Red Nose Day Thank you to everyone who kindly donated through our JustGiving page for Red Nose Day.

March 2024 Newsletter

World Book Day P1–P7 will be taking part in ‘World Book Day’ on Thursday 7th March. The children are invited to dress up as their favourite character from a book or wear pyjamas.


Our school is for children in P1-P7 for children from Ayton and the surrounding area. Our head teacher is Mrs Horsburgh, who is also the head teacher of neighbouring Reston Primary School.

For the 2023–24 academic year we will have three classes: P1–3, P4–5, and P6–7. See our staff page for more information.

We are part of the Eyemouth Learning Community (“Eyemouth cluster”) – children from Ayton, Coldingham, Cockburnspath, Eyemouth and Reston primary schools move up together to Eyemouth High School.

Digital Ninjas blog 🥷💻

P4/5 Countryside Day

P4/5 had a nice trip to Kelso on Tuesday 28th of May. They got to see lots of different animals like Guinea pigs, pigs, cow, sheep, goats and slugs.

P6/7 Rugby Festival

P6/7 Went down to Eyemouth High School for the Rugby Festival, they all enjoyed competing against other schools, even though it was very wet! Everyone at Ayton showed great sportsmanship!

Dates for your diary 🗓️

Wednesday 24th April
Stovie making with Splash

Friday 26th April
P1 to P7 Curriculum Overviews will be issued.

Thursday 2nd May
Library van to visit school

Friday 3rd May
P1-3 Bake Sale

Monday 6th May
Bank Holiday Monday – school closed to pupils and staff

Tuesday 7th May
In-service Day – school closed to pupils

Wednesday 15th May
PFA Meeting, 6-7pm

Monday 20th May
Walk to School Week

Tuesday 21st May
Primary 5 pupils Countryside Day, Springwood Park, Kelso

Monday 20th May, Thursday 23rd May
P1 - P7 Parent consultations – information on booking process to follow.

Wednesday 22nd May
P6/7 Rugby Festival at Eyemouth Primary School

Wednesday 22nd May
P6/7 2:15pm Open Assembly – P6/7 Parents/carers are welcome to join us.

Thursday 23rd May
Library van

Tuesday 28th May, Wednesday 29th May
P7 Crucial Crew with cluster schools at Eyemouth

Wednesday 29th May
New P1 pupils visiting their new classroom 2-3pm

Tuesday 30th May
P7 open evening at Eyemouth High School – 6pm

Monday 3rd June
P1-3 2:15pm Open Assembly on the “Victorians” – Parents/carers are welcome to join us.

Tuesday 4th June
P6 Priory Live at Coldingham

Tuesday 4th June
P7 Foxlake visit with Cluster

Wednesday 5th June
New P1 pupils visiting their new classroom 2-3pm

Wednesday 5th June
Primary 6 Inspire Learning Day at Kelso, Springwood park.

Tuesday 4th June
P7 Visit Foxlake as part of Cluster Experience

Tuesday 4th June
Primary 6 pupils at Coldingham for their Priory Live event.

Monday 10th June and Tuesday 11th June
Primary 7 pupils transition days at Eyemouth High School – transport will be provided

Thursday 13th June
Information session for new P1 pupils at 3.20pm

Friday 14th June
P4/5 9.00am Open Assembly on the “Ancient Egypt” – Parents/carers are welcome to join us.

Tuesday 18th June
Sports Day in the school field – 1:15pm start (Reserve Sports Date is Thursday 25th June)

Wednesday 19th June
New P1 pupils visiting their new classroom 2-3pm

Wednesday 26th June
P7 Leavers Assembly at 9:30am.

Friday 28th June
Last day of term

Monday 12th August
In-service day for staff

Tuesday 13th August
In-service day for staff

Wednesday 14th August
New session starts for pupils.

School timings 🕣

Monday–Thursday: 08:45–15:10, lunch 12:15–12:55
Friday: 08:45–12:30

The playground is staffed from 08:30.

PE days are Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Term dates 🗓️

Note the additional holidays listed under the ‘Eyemouth’ section of ‘Casual Holidays’

Breakfast club 🥣

Breakfast club runs from 08:00 to 08:30, and costs 50p (payable via ParentPay). Please make sure you receive messages from the school via email or Xpressions for any updates to the schedule.

School handbook & plans 📚