Minutes from PFA meeting held 25 September 2024


Present: Mandi Wright (MW), Louise Buglass [Secretary] (LB), Jill Horsburgh [Headteacher] (JH), Rachel Davidson [ANA] (RD), Tracey Dick [Vice Chair] (TD), Ellie Moriarty [Treasurer] (EM), Phil Stephens (PS), Danielle McLeod [P6/7 Teacher] (DM), Joanna Stewart [Fundraising] (JS), Louise Birkett (LBk)

Apologies: Amy Meek [Chair] (AM), Laura Cooksey [LC], Pauline Lannigan [P5 Teacher] (PL), Toby Foster (TF), Jo Easingwood (JE), Andrea Thacker (AT), Katie Aitchison (KA), Ashleigh Brown (AB)

Minutes from last meeting

Approved by TD, seconded by AM.

Matters arising from last meeting


Playground/Trim Trail

JS advises that the total funds raised so far is £35,718.11 specifically for the trim trail and loose parts play equipment, and the Trim Trail has now been ordered. This sum will cover the cost of the Trim Trail comfortably, and the surplus balance will be given to Ayton Primary school to purchase additional loose parts play equipment to further enrich the outdoor play area. The details of these items will be made available in due course, and receipts of all such purchases will be retained for record keeping purposes. The expected timeframe for installation is the end of November/beginning December. JS shared written record of the funds raised from each individual source, as well as a visual of the Trim Trail’s completed design. JS also suggests a ‘thank you’ to all those who helped be published in our monthly newsletter, including the individual funding bodies. All those present support this suggestion. PS reiterated that the excess funds must be used specifically to purchase loose parts play equipment as that is what the money has been awarded to the School for, rather than random spending.

Concerns are raised regarding anti-social behaviour that has occurred in the school grounds out with school hours, involving high school children. This has been captured on CCTV, and also reported to staff by a school neighbour. Staff have since passed this information on to high school for follow up.

Unfortunately, Sarah Woodbury is unable to attend this evening to discuss the village playpark as planned.

Treasurer’s Update

EM advises that money has been used for books, and transport. There is currently a balance of £280 in the account. EM to step down next month (October) as organiser of the 50/50 draw. However, the new Treasurer, once in Office, may choose to pursue this.

Headteacher’s Update

We have had a settled start to the session and children are all settled and engaged in their learning.

We held our recent open evening on 4th September. We enjoyed welcoming those people who were able to attend into school and showing you the different learning environments and resources, we use to support teaching and learning. There will be further opportunities for this type of experience throughout the session.

Curriculum Overviews have been issued. Monthly newsletter has also been issued with details of forthcoming events and dates for diaries. October newsletter will be issued on Monday.

School have signed up to Parentkind. This means that when shopping at Asda donations can be made to the school fund. Mrs McAskill will share information to families.

P5 Rugby and P6/7 Hockey Festival

The P5 Rugby and P6/7 Hockey Festival will be held on Thursday 3rd October, 10.00 – 12.00 noon at Eyemouth High School. Permission slips have been issued via ParentPay. Pupils will have lunch on their return. Please provide a water bottle and snack and ensure your son/daughter comes to school dressed in their PE kit for outdoor sports. A bus will be provided and the children will be accompanied by class teachers. Thank you to PFA for supporting with transport costs with shared bus with Reston.

Breakfast Club

Parent volunteers required! All agree that this be included in the newsletter.

Date for AGM

Monday 28th October, 6pm is the proposed date for the AGM. New Office Bearers are required, and recruitment will take place at the AGM. A new Treasurer has already been identified. All those present agree that it would be pertinent to reconfirm to the wider Parent Forum (PF), prior to the AGM, that Ayton primary school Parents and Friends Association (PFA) meetings are open to all members of the PF, and that everyone is very much welcome and encouraged to participate.


LBk suggests that Breakfast Club parent volunteers who bring their children along with them, could perhaps have the cost of their child/children’s breakfast offset against their time volunteering. JH in support of this. PS enquires if we will now consider pursuing fundraising for other needs/wishes, i.e. pantomime and/or school trips. All those present agree we will. PS raises his concern that some P7 girls are uncomfortable sitting cross legged on the carpet whilst wearing skirts, and suggests that chairs would be a more dignified choice instead. The staff members present agree to adopt this change going forward.

Date of the next PFA meeting

Our next meeting will be the AGM in school on 28 October at 6pm.