Minutes from PFA meeting held 15 May 2024
Present: Laura Cooksey (LC), Jill Horsburgh [Headteacher] (JH), Louise Buglass [Secretary] (LB), Ellie Moriarty [Treasurer] (EM), Joanna Stewart (JS), Andrea Thacker (AT), Jo Easingwood (JE), Mandi Wright (MW), Danielle McLeod (P6/7 Teacher) (DM), Rachel Davidson (RD), Louise Birkett (LB)
Apologies: Tracey Dick [Vice Chair] (TD), Amy Meek [Chair] (AM), Toby Foster (TF), Pauline Lannigan [P4/5 Teacher] (PL)
Minutes from last meeting
Approved by AM, seconded by TD
Matters arising from last meeting
PFA in need of new office bearers
AM wishes to step down as Chair. TD and LB, Vice Chair and Secretary respectively will only have one child in P7 next session and thus will step down at the next AGM, as per Constitution guidelines. EM has been treasurer since 2020 and wants to give the opportunity for someone else to be an office bearer. Information about PFA and the search for new members to be posted on FB, and promoted via the wider PFA. More consideration required on how best to encourage new members, particularly those parent forum members who have not yet engaged.
Fundraising update
Trim Trail fund currently £9152 (JS), and there is a further £500 from Ayton church to come in. Also, possibly further fundraising from Ayton church during summer time. Pentagon Play coming 18th June @ 9.30am to assess the cost of our Trim Trail. Caledonian Play coming during week commencing 27th May to assess, and also Kompan. We need to do some fundraising that involves the children, for example a sponsored walk around Ayton Castle, and all those present in support of this. A QR code and hard copy sponsor forms for donations to be circulated. Date to be confirmed, and parent helpers needed. A bake sale on Sports Day has been successful in previous years, parent helpers and donations required and will be requested nearer the time. Children have made a ‘wish list’ of the things they would like (JH) (see attached). It is agreed that an ‘Outdoor Classroom’ would be an asset to the whole school, and donations of appropriate items for this from our Parent Forum etc. will be welcome. A surprise whole school trip to Dynamic Earth is planned before our final day of term on 28th June (Update: Monday 17th June). All agree that when the Trim Trail is finally installed, we must include a plaque in acknowledgement of those who have sponsored the equipment. Further applications for Trim Trail funding are pending later this year to wind farm funds. ‘Grow Your Own Pound’ to be introduced in September.
Treasurer’s update
We currently have £3000 in our account. The visits to Eyemouth HS are paid for. PFA have donated £150 in support of Breakfast Club to plug the monetary deficit in the short term. JH will speak to Reston Larder for any possible assistance to reduce our costs. It is recognised that families that are eligible for free school meals can also access Breakfast Club, and this can increase funding to APS. Perhaps this needs to be promoted to Parent Forum who may not be aware of this opportunity. New Breakfast Club helpers required to replace Mrs McAskill, and a new rota will be established. Any parents who wish to donate Breakfast Club food supplies are welcome to do so.
Head Teacher’s update
Funds needed to pay for the transport to the P6 Priory Live event coming soon. This year’s ‘Library Legacy’ to be arranged, and a list will be produced next week. Would parents, PFA, and the children consider swimming lessons going into next session? P7 Fox Lake trip, and P7 Crucial Crew event at EHS. Teaching staff for next session to be decided by June. Congratulations and ‘well done’ to our prize winners in the recent Art Competition. Funding for music and drama will continue. Reston primary school are holding a barbecue at the Riverside inviting Ayton’s new P1 pupils to come along for get together. P1 parents’ information event will be held on 13th June at 1615hrs, to which all P1 parents are welcome. A ‘Bide and Blether’ to be discussed.
Ayton Community Council dog fouling poster to be displayed around the village. Children to make the canisters for the poo bags, and the bags will be kindly supplied by Trevor and Louise Smith. Douglas Stewart will visit school to discuss water safety before summer break. Berwickshire Swap will arrange a central swap in Duns for a uniform swap. There is lots of ‘new to you’ uniform available, and we continue to encourage and support this incentive. A rail of available uniform can be available on Sports Day for parents to access. A ‘Bide and Blether’ to be considered/discussed.
Date of the next PFA meeting
Our next meeting will be in school on September 4th at 6pm.