Minutes from PFA meeting held 14 September 2023

Actions are highlighted in bold.


Present: Andrea Thacker (AT), Tracey Dick [Vice Chair] (TD), Amy Meek [Chair] (AM), Jill Horsburgh [Head Teacher] (JH), Laura Cooksey (LC), Mandi Wright (MW), Pauline Lannagan [Teacher] (PL), Danielle MacLeod [Principal Teacher] (DM), Lisa Norris (LN), Mark Birkett (MB), Louise Birkett (LB), Louise Buglass (LB), Joanna Steward (JS), Jo Roberts [Secretary] (JR)

Apologies: Toby Foster (TF), Ellie Moriarty [Treasurer] (EM), Geraint Roberts, Philip Stephens, Katie Aitchison

Minutes from last AGM (Dec 2022)

Proposed by TD, approved by LC.

All the minutes are on the website for the school (TD). All latest minutes on school board. Open forum for everyone to take part - also Ayton parents group on Messenger also.

Matters arising from last meeting (May 2023)

Nothing outstanding to report. Approved by DM/MW.

Chair/Vice Chair Report of the AGM


We welcome you to the AGM of the Parents and Friends Association of Ayton Primary School (PFA). Below is our joint Chair/Vice Chair report for the school session 2022-2023.

At our last AGM in October 2022, Katherine Lymer stepped down as Chair and we are very thankful for her time in post. An EGM was held in November and Amy Meek joined as Chair and Tracey Dick as Vice Chair. Jo Roberts continued in post as Secretary and Ellie Moriarty continued in post as Treasurer. Mandi Wright joined as our fundraising rep.

We also gained more PFA members and revised our Constitution to allow for more members to be included. We currently have 15 members. We are continually thankful to all the parents who are members of the PFA and to those who attend meetings, support fundraising and help in many ways within school.

Amy and Tracey attended training for PFA Chairs in December on how to work collectively as the cluster schools.


In the continuing theme of Ayton PS being “small but mighty”, we have achieved a lot this past year:

  • A group of enthusiastic parents ran two brilliant Halloween parties for all the pupils in school.
  • Mandi organised an amazing raffle at Christmas which was a very successful fundraiser.
  • Ellie set up our 50/50 draw and that continues to be an easy fundraiser each month.
  • Toby and Tracey have worked with Active Schools and have run a Pickleball club since January 2023, which will continue this school year.
  • Phil and Joanna wrote to SBC to follow up on works needing to be completed as part of the refurbishment of the school. Their perseverance meant that during the summer holidays, the school hall was redecorated and new lines painted on the floor for sports.
  • A Sports Day bake sale was organised and ran in joint efforts from parents and carers –- it was a great success on the day. We are very grateful to everyone who baked and donated. Also a huge thanks to Joanna for once again organising an ice cream for all the pupils from Giacopazzis, a generous gesture that is really appreciated.
  • All year, parents have volunteered their time daily at Breakfast club and offered weekly support to help categorise and organise the school library.
  • A fundraising group has been established to work towards raising money for the playground. We are looking to raise a substantial amount and all efforts are appreciated.

Due to the continual fundraising efforts throughout the year, we have been able to support school in many ways:

  • Paying for transport to the Cross Country and Paxton House Trip
  • Buying Christmas presents for all the pupils in school in the build up to Christmas 2022
  • Buying a new bench/table for the playground and new outdoor toys for the younger pupils
  • Providing each classroom with a toys/games bag full of fun activities
  • Buying 22 new books for the school library on behalf of our P7s. Each book was dedicated to the individual who chose it.

Looking Forward

We will continue to support the school in any way possible. We hope to maintain the level of support moving forward and always welcome new members and ideas. We also welcome opportunities to work with members of our school community.

Even if you cannot attend a meeting (as we know that they may not always be at a time that is convenient with you), if you have any ideas that you’d like to share, you would like to join in with fundraising/organising an event, or have issues to raise, please email pfa@aytonprimary.com or speak with someone from the PFA at the school gates.

Action: Do another 50/50 Draw promotion and share the post.

Treasurer Report

Presented by TD (in absence of EM)

Current balance updated is £1329.75 (through £16 from 50/50 Draw, £72.50 from the flower show stall - £40 for 2 50/50 Draw winners).

Income 2022–23£
Christmas raffle1068.00
50/50 draw — includes advance payments465.00
Ayton toddler group197.31
Sports Day183.66
BAVS (pickleball)150.00
Easy Fundraising88.60
Halloween party62.00


Expenses 2022–23£
Picnic bench444.79
Bus to Paxton240.00
Pickleball equipment (£150 was grant)199.00
Christmas books182.24
Classroom games bags113.00
P7 library books94.31
Mud kitchen for P1/2 area76.94
Christmas party food59.34
Misc (refreshments, cups)43.71
Raffle licence20.00

Head Report


School roll is currently 70.

We have had a relatively settled start to the session and children are engaged in their learning. New box of resources/toys for the playground at break and lunchtime have been welcomed by the children.

It was lovely to see many of you at our recent open afternoon on 31st August. We enjoyed welcoming you all back in to school and showing you the different learning environments and resources we use to support teaching and learning.

Curriculum Overviews were issued on 1st September by email and paper copies have also been distributed. Monthly newsletter has also been issued with details of forthcoming events and dates for diaries.

School hall has been painted and the floor has been improved. It looks amazing and many thanks to the PFA for their support with this.

Lost Property – there is already a small collection of jumpers/cardigans which haven’t been named. We encourage everyone to label uniform.

P6/7 St Abbs Science Festival

On Friday 22nd September P6/7 have been invited to the first St Abbs Science Festival. Schools in the area are attending this event free of charge. St Abbs and the Berwickshire coast are special and unique known for their rich biodiversity, wonderful flora and fauna and stunning geology. The Science Festival will place emphasis on our natural surroundings, with participants including St Abbs Marine Station & Edinburgh University, British Geological Survey, NTS St Abbs Head National Nature Reserve, Berwickshire Marine Reserve, Butterfly Conservation East Scotland, Whale and Dolphin Conservation, Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh, Berwickshire Rocks (geology), and Dynamic Earth will be attending with their mobile planetarium. There will be lots of amazing activities to get involved with and we look forward to this fantastic learning opportunity. EV2s and a letter will follow with further details in due course. 

P5 Rugby and P6/7 Hockey Festival

The P5 Rugby and P6/7 Hockey Festival will be held on Tuesday 26th September, 10.00 – 12.00 noon at Eyemouth High School. EV2’s will be issued nearer the time. Pupils will have lunch on their return. Please provide a water bottle and snack and ensure your son/daughter comes to school dressed in their PE kit for outdoor sports. A bus will be provided and the children will be accompanied by their class teachers.

Action: School to let PFA know if any funds needed to support breakfast club.

A general discussion following Mrs Horsburgh’s report

Remarks from parents that the older kids have supported to new P1s really well (LN).

There will be another newsletter before October break.

No transport funding is needed atm from PFA but there will be some coming up.

Miss Morton will be teaching P4s when the Rugby Festival trip is on.

Berwickshire Marine Reserve is coming to discussion about climate and renewables.

Eyemouth Rotary connecting to possibly to some work together across 2 schools (Ayton & Reston).

DM updated all on the new leadership roles that have been given across P6/7 class. All different from this year. It is a mix for everyone in this class to be role models across many different areas and they have already kicked off with gusto e.g. sports leaders wrote to Live Borders to input what pupils would like for more sports activities, the library leaders are starting training with parents (Sarah W, and JR), and the JRSOs (Junior Road Safety Officers).

Interest from the school to use the orchard space accessible from Beanburn.

Action: Find out who owns the woodland/orchard and let staff know (LB)

Appointment of Committee Members (Office bearers)

  • Chair: AM retains role.
  • Vice-Chair: TD - is staying until Christmas then stepping out. She has only a P7 child left, so wants to pass the baton on.
  • Secretary: JR - stepping down and the post is now handed to LB.
  • Treasurer: EM has been in the role for 3 years - if anyone is interested in taking over the role then please contact Ellie.

Action: Advertise Vice Chair and Treasurer roles.

Discussion points from PFA/Parents


Action: Give all the ways to communicate in the minutes (newsletters, website, email, social media).

There will be some website training for the Digital Ninjas with TF (DM) so they can do their blog.

School Handbook New one made and P1 parents have had one. Available digitally. (JH)

School Improvement Plans

JH updated on there being more consistency across schools. JH to share at the next meeting some abbreviated version/snippets of the SBC Way.

Teaching trial

Ayton one of the chosen schools for P4 to be taught writing in a different way to raise attainment, as a result of JH pushing it forwards. JH/PL did training in Glasgow. Will be shared across the cluster. The whole P4/5 class will be doing this. Great to be a part of it.

PFA helpers

PFA programme of events (e.g. after school clubs): Niamh, Live Borders, keen to get more going, too. 
Action: Get in touch with PFA if interested in taking something. Drawing or art possibility. All year round possibilities for doing something after school, or Christmas fundraising.

Parental helpers - reading partners, school outings etc. All in hand. Thanks all. Possible paired readings.

Library update - Sarah W and Jo R in on Friday 15th to do some training for the library leaders (DM). Need to change group novels. Library leaders are identifying gaps. Accelerated reading info from P3 onwards.

Action: Need parent volunteers but just for a big clean 2 or 3 times a year. The library leaders will do most.

Breakfast Club update: Mrs Mckaskill now in the role. Mandi and Joanna carrying on a volunteers.

Working with other PFAs in the cluster - met with Coldingham and Co’path previously as a PFA. Updates as and when.

Working with House Captains: There are 3 houses and there are 2 captains for each. They present at assembly, are visible in the playground, then they decide on their impact for their legacy. More info to follow.

P1-3 Outdoor Learning Area

Still needing input. Call out in next newsletter for ask. Lisa M keen to get involved.

Playground Fundraising Group

JS update on current situation. Updated on new picnic table, bulbs etc.

Kids don’t have climbing apparatus, so looking for funds for a trim trail. Fundraising group dedicated to this, led by JS. Priced a trail so budget approx 20k to include loose parts as well. Got first £500 donation in from JS work. Application into Coop and Offshore Windfarm for funds. Possibly an event for this project specifically. Perhaps the Rotary could be involved. Another windfarm called Berwick Bank will also have a community fund so there could be a possible fund then.

JS, EM, PS, LD are the current members for the fundraising group.

Action: If anyone wants to get involved see Joanna. MB suggested using Gofundus for donations, also. Can be added to the WhatsApp Group if you want to get involved.

Halloween Party

Possibility. Parent Ashley is leading this. Reston’s is on the Friday - liaise with school staff. Let Ashley know. It was excellent last year.

Any other business

MW asked about school photos. JH to use same as Reston last yr. Recommended. Parents have asked if they could be back in November so here in time for Christmas.

Date of next meeting

Wednesday 8 November 2023 at 15:30

The meeting will be focused on the fundraising specifically for the Playground.