Minutes from PFA meeting held 18 May 2023

Actions are highlighted in bold.


Present: Sarah W (SW), Mandi W [Fundraising Rep] (MW), Phil S (PS), Katie A (KA), Laura C (LC), Danielle M [Principal Teacher] (DM), Jill H [Head Teacher] (JH), Ellie M [Treasurer] (EM), Rachel D (RD), Michelle W (MW), Jo R [Secretary] (JR)

Apologies: Toby F, Geraint R, Amy M [Chair], Tracey D [Vice-Chair], Andrea T, Joanna S (JS), Louise B, Katherine L (KL).

Note: Sarah W acting as Chair for this meeting.

Minutes/Action Points from last meeting

Library update from SW/JR: Parents SW and JR have been sorting and shelving in the library. Some books had to exit stage left and Sarah received £80 vouchers from Berrydin bookshop. The Accelerated Reading fiction books are now all on accessible to reach shelves. The reference section is still a work in progress. The current P5/6 will get a brief overview/intro training by Sarah and Jo on Friday 19 May.

Danielle M (DM) explained there will be a P5/6 rota for the library rota this year, and then they will be given specific roles from next year. Up to end of this year will just help out on Friday mornings. Parents are still welcome to volunteer.

Pickleball update: This started with P7 on 18 May, as requested by Niamh, the Active Borders Co-ordinator (EM). Perhaps could be a drop-in session in the new academic year. Niamh has taken photos, so these should be available to promote.

School wishlist for P1-2 area: Reston has 2 trolleys which they use to take outside. This could be possible. JH said we have budget for that. EM suggested an Amazon Wishlist for anyone to participate and give to the school from the community. EM will start and will need more specifics from school. JH said she could share photos with the school community so they can see what they’re after in case anyone has items already that they can donate.

Action: To begin an Amazon Wishlist. Update since meeting: Now started!

Breakfast Club: Funding is on the way from SBC from next session onwards (JH). MW said that the volunteer rota is going well, with a new volunteer now helping on Thursdays.

Previous Minutes: Proposed EM. Seconded by JR.

PFA Points to Cover/Updates - Chair

1. Games Hall update

Phil S has been in contact with SBC about the delayed redecoration (originally programmed for the Oct 22 holidays), and JH confirms it will happen in the summer holidays.

2. Breakfast Club

Covered in discussion above.

3. Library

Covered in discussion above.

4. Outdoors Project

P1-2 area - equipment

General playground discussion (inc. Community Council connections/play park in the playing fields). Update from parent JS, the lead contact for the outside area, (via Ellie on paper) was given on possibilities and next steps, including a Trim Trail which the pupils are keen on (but is fairly expensive). A general discussion then took place:

Cushioned flooring is expensive which would be needed as no grass in playground (DM).

There is £24k earmarked for the play park for village by SBC but without an active Community Council (CC) we can’t access it. SW said another election is taking place on Monday 29 May at 19:30 in the Hall. The CC needs 6 people on it to be “activated”.

With limited grass space in school there are other possibilities such as Loose Parts play (DM) which is more affordable to fundraise for and perhaps more possible. Maybe we could do more quickly.

Discussion about whether we can we fundraise for something big, like the Trim Trail, and be involved with the village play park.


Explore any other companies for cheaper options.

Put a dedicated fundraising group together separately to move it forwards. Members JS, EM, PS, RD so far.

Community Council meeting 29 May at 19:30 to be shared with school (SW).

Office Bearer vacancies - After 3 years in post JR is resigning her role as Secretary. A new Secretary should be voted in at the next PFA meeting, and AGM in September 2023. JR will ensure a proper handover etc. 
Action: Anyone interested should contact JR, or another office bearer. They will then be appointed at the next PFA meeting. Please don’t be shy! It’s a great thing to do.

Planned funding pots/applications (annual plan possibilities e.g. transport):


  • JH to send a transport needs list , so we could have a ring fenced amount standing by from the PFA.
  • SW mentioned the Scouts bus could be available for trips - SW to check capacity (as she is the Secretary of Scouts).

Other events/activities:

PS asked whether there may be further opportunities to bring activities into schools (on the back of the science workshops). DM mentioned the school is connecting with the Berwickshire Marine Reserve. They are running activities this term, mainly experiments for P5/6. There will be a Science Festival in September in St Abbs. Ayton pupils (probably for P5 upwards (DM) will be participating. Duns PlayFest had lots of free activities. Maybe for next year. KA reported it was fantastic.

Any discussion points from parents/pupils

Cleaning update e.g. boys toilets. The odour emanating from the toilets is unpleasant. JH has reported extractor fans are going in and stickers to guide the pupils. JH says the drainage will be checked again.

P7 Leavers - A question was asked to see whether there are any needs to mark their moving up that PFA can support? In previous years the PFA used to give them a trip out (SW). The school are organising a treat day. There will be P7 book dedications this year and parent Katherine L (KL) is happy to organise. Action: Update: P7 books have now been purchased (EM).

Showbie - This term 2 pieces of work are being put on (JH) with pupils, so it is just preparation and then in the next school year, parents will have more access to support learning. From P5 up levels at the moment - pupils will be able to share with parents learning etc from next term.

P1-2 PE is still indoors - they haven’t gone outside yet. Unclear why.

School Sports Day - KA asked about the possibility for a bake sale on the day. Action: To be explored with other parents outside of meeting.

Treasurer’s update:

Out since last meeting:

  • £50 new toaster for breakfast club
  • £444.79 new bench
  • £240 transport to Paxton House
  • £76.94 garden sand/toys

Current balance: £1244.43

5 new 50/50 draw members

Future spending:

  • £200 for more outdoor toys/water play
  • £150 for P7 library books
  • New class books – still need to develop ‘wishlist’

Discussion: EasyFundraising info to be circulated again to parents. The banner of the EasyFundraising used to go out on the newsletters. The EasyFundraising link will take you to the page to get started as an individual if you wish to use this to raise monies for the school whilst doing your online shopping.

Action: SW to send banner for Louise M in office. MW says it was very useful and raised quite a lot of funding e.g. Michelle Crowe used to use it for stationery orders etc. Co-op and Tesco tokens for support of PFA - new cash pots available (SW).

Headteacher’s update: Mrs Horsburgh, Acting Head teacher

Class Trips

Lots going on this term with P7 transition visits, P5 Countryside Day, P6 Priory Live to Coldingham, P6 Rugby festival at Eyemouth High School. P5/6 Class trip will be on 21 June and linked to their ‘Under The Sea’ context for learning, they will be working with Berwickshire Marine Reserve who are also coming in to school to provide some workshops with the class.


School roll will decrease in August 2023 to 71 (at the current time) so this means that for some staff they will be deployed elsewhere. At present classes for August will be:

  • P1/2/3
  • P4/5
  • P6/7

Miss Morton will teach P6/7 one day a week for Mrs MacLeod’s management day and she will also teach support for learning groups. Miss Bridgewater will continue to teach PE to all classes twice a week.

We have been interviewing this week for another additional needs assistant to join the school in August. This means there will be one ANA for each class from the new school year.

The Head Teacher position: JH reported that her role as Head Teacher is still an Acting Head position, and that a permanent headship is unconfirmed from SBC. With only weeks left in the school year, there is general concern from the parent community that this is as yet unclear. It was unanimous at the meeting that the school has vastly improved since the appointment of JH in the role.

Action: A PFA letter of support to be drafted and sent to Justin Sinclair at SBC.

By 15 June the new P1 parents will be coming in, and it would be useful to give them good news, and also for the whole school community.


  • Parents consultations on Wednesday 31 May – PEBS booking is open.
  • New S1 Information session on Tuesday 30 May 5:30pm
  • New P1 Information session on Thursday 15 June 3:15pm
  • Sports Day Thursday 22 June 1:00pm
  • P7 Leavers Assembly Wednesday 28 June 9:30am


PS asked re. Fundraising Committee for the Outdoors Project… Possibly start an e-list - headed by Joanna S with interested parties, so far EM, PS and RD.

Dates for the next meeting

Proposed - Thursday September 14 at 6:30pm. This meeting will include the AGM.