Minutes from PFA EGM held 09 November 2022
Present: Toby Foster (TF), Ellie Moriarty [Treasurer] (EM), Laura Cooksey (LC), Amy Meek (AM), Tracey Dick (TD), Mandi Wright (MW), Sarah Woodbury (SW), Katherine Lymer [Outgoing Chair] (KL), Jo Roberts [Secretary] (JR), Geraint Roberts (GR), Joanna Stewart (JS)
Apologies: Rachel Davidson (RD), Andrea Thacker (AT), Katie Aitchison (KA)
1. Election of new Chair and Vice Chair of the PFA
Following their nominations, Amy Meek (AM) was successfully voted in as Chair, and Tracey Dick (TD) for the position of Vice-Chair.
Other office bearers: JR and EM retain their roles as Secretary and Treasurer, respectively. MW was confirmed as the Fundraising Rep.
2. Membership
The PFA now has a full list of members of 15 (KL). We already had 11 confirmed, following the last meeting, and there were further confirmations following (from JS, AT, KA, and Philip S). The confirmed membership list is as it stands:
Laura C, Ellie M, Toby F, Rachel D, Tracey D, Mandi W, Sarah W, Katherine L, Geraint R, Jo R, Amy M, Joanna S, Katie A, Andrea T, Philip S.
Agreed to put the members list up at school. TF/EM and JR to action that.
There was a brief discussion around minimum attendance, and that members should be able to commit (GR), but that any parent can attend meetings (AM).
There was a discussion that the core group of officer bearers should meet monthly, and other meetings with all members as best works for everyone.
3. PFA Constitution
The PFA officer bearers are updating this currently, from an old version (JR/EM). Now we have the new Chair and Vice Chair, the office bearers will meet mid November, and it will then be circulated for all the PFA members to review (AM/TD).
Dates of next meetings
- December 2022: 6pm on 1st December (following discussion with Mrs Horsburgh, as the new Interim Head, to ensure there is school representation).
- January 2023: Friday 27th - am. TBC.