Minutes from PFA meeting held 29 April 2022


Present: Andrea Thacker (AT), Ellie Moriarty [Treasurer] (EM), Joanna Stewart (JS), Mandi Wright (MW), Tracey Dick (TD), Toby Foster (TF), Trevor Smith (TS)

Apologies: Katherine Lymer [Chair], Melanie Knox [Head Teacher] (MK), Michelle Wright, Rachel Hendry

Additional comments sent via email from MK highlighted below.

Minutes from last meeting

Used as a basis for the agenda

Matters arising from last meeting

1. Staffing

See below (“Letter from parents”)

2. Eyemouth campus

Nothing new to report. EM will update after next meeting, date TBC. Send any comments to pfa@aytonschool.com.

3. Physical state of school

See below (“Letter from parents”)

4. PE kit

PFA support the suggestion of plain top and shorts/joggers – perhaps light blue as in previous years and dark bottoms. Light blue can be found in supermarkets on or from the school’s clothing supplier FP Uniformz.


MK to confirm school uniform policy. Handbook and school website (TF) to be updated with information.

5. Newsletter

Monthly calendar is great, parents would like this to continue.

6. Halloween/Christmas

See below (“Fundraising”)

7. School website

Domain name purchased, website published (https://aytonprimary.com).

8. School update

Parents supportive of Accelerated Reading but would like to know more so they can actively support their children.


MK previously mentioned an information session – could this be in school?

9. Garden

What is happening with this? Do parents need to help water over the summer? Mrs Lannagan looked after this project, has anyone else taking over this role?


MK to update next meeting.

10. Scottish Government guidance

See below (“Parent consultations”)

11. Hoodies

PFA support Leavers Hoodies – easier to organise, less impacted by school numbers, can be delivered after Easter to wear in final term. Single colour jumper – suggestion of royal blue as in previous years – for P7s to wear in final year.


MK to confirm.

12. Book dedication scheme

See below (“Fundraising”)

13. Relationship policy

PFA awaiting to view and looking forward to being part of the process in the future.

14. Transition dates

Parents glad there is the opportunity for transition visits for P7s and new P1s. Current offer for new P1s: 5×30 minute sessions, 1:30–2:00 – is there a reason it is at this time? Parents would prefer 2:00–3:00 if possible due to childcare/school/work/time commitments. This worked in the past. Unclear if parents were to/are expected to stay, other than final session.

MK: Iona [Pearson] is very kindly giving up her prep time in order to run the transition slots. With staffing the way it is, we cannot facilitate later in the afternoon. There are more afternoons planned than last year’s transition event. The note that went out to nursery parents said that parents would not be staying with the children.

15. Fundraising

See below (“Fundraising”)

Points discussed

1. Letter from parents

Parents/PFA to write to SBC and local MSP and MK highlighting concerns impacting directly on teaching and learning.

  1. Staffing: High staff turnover, temporary contracts – not happening in other local schools. Lack of consistency with staff, not enough time for staff crossovers. Although appreciation of staff changes inevitable, lack of understanding as to why this is happening so much here.
  2. Physical state of school (including garden): There are basic needs that need to be addressed: paint, carpets. Is there a janitor? Why not?
  3. Campus/three school model: There are concerns that the campus model is negatively affecting children’s learning and well-being.

2. Parent Consultations

Parents are so pleased that the SBC and Scottish Government guidelines have been changed so parents can now visit school and are very much looking forward to meeting teachers face to face. Parent consultations can now officially take place face to face in school, so the question came up as to why this isn’t happening at Ayton. P5/6/7 had their parent consultation before the Easter break.

MK: We were told at the last HT meeting that the preferred situation was to have parent consultations over the phone. However, the option of either is now a reality. I can put out a letter to this effect tomorrow and people can choose.


Parents have been sent information about how to book a slot, and a slip will come home on Friday 6 May for indicating whether face to face or by phone.

3. Jubilee event

Ayton and District Bowling Club have offered an event on 6 June (bank holiday elsewhere) for children to have coaching with professional athletes. The bowling club are applying for funding but need some information. The aim of the event is to celebrate the jubilee/promote partnerships within the community/promote local sports facilities/give children the opportunity to try/learn a new skill. Parents and community to be invited in afternoon, refreshments to be supplied. Everyone in attendance thought this was a great idea. Parents have offered to help on the day.


TS would like confirmation of event so that further planning can take place.

MK: Yes, this is going ahead.

4. Sports Day

Parents are looking forward to seeing their children participate. JS kindly offered to supply ice cream for the children.


MK to provide PFA with number of children in school

MK: 88 children

5. Fundraising

  1. 2022/23 events: TS once again kindly suggested use of bowling club for fundraising events. Perhaps a few uniform swaps/coffee mornings? On various days/times so that all parents are given the opportunity to attend.
    Action: Next PFA meeting (1 June) – set out a timetable for next year’s fundraising events.
  2. Book dedication scheme: To launch, perhaps at Jubilee Event?
    Action: PFA to confirm all info and pass to MK to send information out to parents.
  3. 50/50 draw: We have a valid lottery licence so can start this any time. TS offered support. Perhaps launch at Jubilee Event? Perhaps choose a different fundraising cause each month, e.g. Books, Garden, Hoodies.
    Action: PFA to provide information on how this works, MK to send information out to parents.
  4. Community council: TS updated that as local elections are coming up, nothing will happen until new local counsellors are in position. Once they are the possibility of a new election of the community council can take place. TS has been the contact for information.
  5. Handbook: Is this ready yet? Can the information be sent to the PFA?
  6. First aider: Who will be the main contact in school now Mrs Crowe has left, before her replacement? Will there always be a first aider at school?

    MK: Dawn Holt and Rachel Davidson are both first-aiders and already have this as part of their remit. The replacement for Michelle is outwith my control but I do know that we have someone coming each day to do admin duties until we have someone in post. I will be given their names tomorrow. This information will be shared with the parents.

  7. Breakfast club: Is there a contingency for if Mrs Holt is away? How is information shared with new parents about the club?
  8. Class composition: When will we know the class composition for next year? Parents would like to hear more about how this is calculated, and the benefits of composite classes (such as helping children to advance).
    Action: MK to provide information next meeting. EM to attend meeting with SBC so can also update.

    MK: Have not been given the go ahead from HQ. I will be discussing with parents as soon as I’m able.

Next meeting

16:30–18:00, Wednesday 1 June 2022, Ayton Bowling Club


  1. PE kit/uniform confirmation
  2. Fundraising
    1. Timetable/Dates
    2. 50/50 draw
    3. Book dedication scheme launch
  3. PFA Secretary role still unfilled