September 2024 Newsletter

We are looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our open event on Wednesday 4th September 6–7pm. This is an opportunity for you to meet staff and see the different learning environments and resources we use to support teaching and learning. There will be further opportunities for this type of experience throughout the session.

Thank you, Mrs Horsburgh Head Teacher


If your child is unable to attend school for whatever reason, please contact the main school office using telephone phone number 018907 81350 or send us a message using Xpressions. If your child is absent from school please notify the school office as soon as you can. If not you will receive a Groupcall message. If your child is booked in for a lunch on ParentPay please ensure the meal is cancelled online, or you may be charged.

Please ensure your child arrives at school on time each day. If your child arrives at school late (up to 9:00am), please send them to the school office.


Please make meal choices for your child before 8:30am on the day you wish to make the booking. If you are experiencing any problems accessing ParentPay please contact Mrs McAskill in the office.

Annual Data Check Form

Annual Data Check forms have already gone home and should have been returned by now. We are still waiting on a few to be returned, please ensure these are checked and returned ASAP.

Safety of Pupils

Please ensure you close the gates leading to the playground on entrance and exit. All pupils cycling to school MUST wear a cycle helmet.

Unauthorised Absences

If you take your child out of school during term time, this will be recorded as an ‘unauthorised absence’. We would encourage you to contact the school office and ask for a holiday request form in these circumstances.

Break time snacks and water bottles

Please remember to provide your child with a healthy snack at break time, a piece of fruit for fruit fix in the afternoons plus a water bottle for use in class throughout the day. Water bottles should be labelled with your child’s name and must be filled from home. We are a health promoting school and would ask that bottles contain water and not juice, thank you.

Uniform/PE Kit

ALL items of school uniform should be labelled. We also encourage all PE kit to be labelled. Please ensure that children with long hair have their hair tied back and NO jewellery is worn on PE days. If your child is unable to remove their own earrings, they must bring medical tape in from home to cover them.

NHS Flu Vaccination Form

The majority of the forms have now been returned to school, if you have not returned the form please do so ASAP as the nursing team will collect them the week beginning 2nd September.

Parent Council

There will be Parent Council meeting held in the school hall on Wednesday 25th September 6:00–7:00pm. All parents and carers are welcome to attend. An AGM date will be agreed at this first initial meeting of the new school session.


Last terms sponsored walk around the castle raised a wonderful £939.21. The PFA’s Sports Day bake sale also raised £224.83! These amounts will be spilt equally between the Trim Trail fundraising and the school. A huge thank you to everyone involved and for all your donations.

Stay and Play

P1/2 will be inviting parents/carers into the classroom for Stay and Play sessions week beginning 23rd September. Mrs Pearson will send out a letter with date and time options in due course.

Pupil Council

Mrs Pearson has formed our Pupil Council for the 2024/25 session and will be holding the first meeting this week. Pupil Council is made up of children from each class and is a fantastic way to include our learners and develop pupil voice. They will be working on various projects throughout the year to help our school and wider community.

Curriculum Overviews

Curriculum Overviews were issued to parents/carers on Friday 30th August.

Active Schools After School Clubs

Kendal Patterson, Active Schools club has organised clubs to take place on the following dates:

  • Ayton P4–7 = 3rd September – 17th September
  • Ayton P1–3 = 24th September – 8th October

You will receive letters with booking links nearer the time.

P5 Rugby and P6/7 Hockey Festival

The P5 Rugby and P6/7 Hockey Festival will be held on Thursday 3rd October, 10.00 – 12.00 noon at Eyemouth High School. EV2 forms will be issued nearer the time on ParentPay. Pupils will have lunch on their return. Please provide a water bottle and snack and ensure your child comes to school dressed in their PE kit for outdoor sports. A bus will be provided, and the children will be accompanied by Mrs Lannagan and Mrs MacLeod.

Harvest Assembly

There will be a harvest assembly on Friday 11th October in the school hall. We would be grateful for donations of non-perishable items. These will be passed on to a local food bank for families in need. Thank you.

Medication in School

Please remember it is your responsibility to ensure medication/medical supplies in school for your child are within their expiry dates. Should your child need medication to be administered during the school day, please ask Mrs McAskill for a form which must be completed in advance. Medication to be administered within school MUST be prescribed and labelled with your child’s name.

Wet Weather

If we are experiencing wet weather in the mornings, children should arrive from 8:30am and go to the door from their classroom which exits out on to the playground/shared outdoor learning area.

P1 to P7 Parents Consultations

Our next Parent Consultation will be held on Monday 7th October, 3:15–5:00pm and Wednesday 9th October 5:00pm–7:30pm. Consultations will be held in school and appointments should be made through the Parent Evening Booking System online.

The system will go live on Monday 16th September at 09:00am and will close on Friday 4th October at 12:30pm. To book your 10 minute slot, go to

You will need:

  • Your email address (must match those we have on record for you)
  • Your child’s first name, surname and date of birth

Once you have logged in, we suggest you use the ‘Automated Booking Wizard’ to make your appointments. You will be shown your child/children and their teachers, and asked to enter your availability. Our wizard will use this information to calculate the best order for your appointments, allowing you to navigate the teachers in the quickest and most efficient manner.

Dates for your diary

  • Wednesday 4th September: School Open Evening, 6-7pm
  • Monday 16th September: Parents Evening Booking System (PEBS) goes live at 9am
  • Wednesday 25th September: PFA meeting in school, 6-7pm
  • Thursday 3rd October: P5 Rugby & P6/7 Hockey Festival
  • Friday 4th October: PEBS closes for parents evening bookings at 12:30pm
  • Monday 7th October: Parents Consultations 3.15pm-5pm
  • Wednesday 9th October: Parents Consultations 5pm-7pm
  • Friday 11th October: Harvest Assembly in School Hall
  • Monday 14th to Friday 18th October: October Holiday
  • Monday 21st October: Staff In-service Day – school closed to pupils
  • Tuesday 22nd October: Pupils resume