March Newsletter

Staffing Update

Mrs MacLeod will be returning to work in the coming weeks. As a change to her previous role working across 3 schools (Ayton, Coldingham and Co’path), Mrs MacLeod will be based at Ayton Primary where she is needed to take on a class teaching responsibility.

James Bewsey
Quality Improvement Officer
Scottish Borders Council

Mrs MacLeod will returning to work next week, she will be team teaching with Mr. Swan and Miss McNeill until the Easter holidays. After the Easter holidays Mrs MacLeod will teach P5-6. Miss McNeill will continue working alongside Mrs MacLeod until the end of April to ensure a smooth transition for all of the children in P5-6.

Mrs Debbie Higson will be in school on Thursdays to work with small groups of children throughout all classes.

World Book Day

P1-P7 will be taking part in ‘World Book Day’ on Thursday 2nd March. The children are invited to dress up as their favourite character from a book or wear pyjamas. Activities are planned for the children in afternoon in their ‘houses’ with the P7 House captains.

Children will all receive their £1 book token which can be used to get money off book in participating retailers or one FREE World Book Day 2023 book.

Dental Screening

The Dental Screening team will visit school on Thursday 2nd March to complete dental checks on P1 and P7 children.

Library Van

The SBC Library Van will be visiting on Thursday 2nd March. Please bring in any books that need to be returned.

Active Schools – Future Stars Athletics

Niamh Westwood, our Active Schools Co-ordinator has offered all children in P4-7 within the Eyemouth Cluster the chance to take part in a 5 week block of ‘Future Stars Athletics’ starting Thursday 2nd March at Eyemouth High School. Information has been issued to parents through Groupcall.

P1-4 After School Club – Fitness Club

Niamh Westwood has arranged a Fitness Club after school club for the P1-4 children, for a 3 week block to start on Monday 6th March.


Pickleball will continue on Thursday afternoons for the children who are already registered. Registration will open up again for after the Easter break.

Science Week

On Monday 13th and Wednesday 15th March, Generation Science Workshops will be coming to the school to take part in experiments with all the children.

Class Trips

P1-4 are going for a few trips this month. On the 6th March, they are walking down to the Castle 12.45pm -3pm. On Wednesday 15th March, they are going to the church 12.45pm – 3pm and on the 29th of March, they are going on a bus trip to Paxton House. EV2s will be issued shortly. If any parent helpers are available on these dates, can you please let the school know.

P7 are going to visit Torness on the morning of the 15th of March with Mr Swan and Mrs MacLeod, EV2s will be sent home shortly. P5-6 class trip will be next term.

Red Nose Day

On Friday 17th March, pupils are invited to wear something red as part of our non-uniform day for Comic Relief. Red noses can be purchased from Sainsbury’s and other retailers.

P7 Transitions

P7 pupils will begin the P7 to S1 transition process with a visit to Eyemouth High School on Wednesday 22nd March, between 9am – 1pm to focus on relationship building. A letter was issued from Eyemouth High School with further information and transition dates for next term.

P7 Kingswood Residential

The parents evening to provide information on the P7 residential to Kingswood is being held at Eyemouth Primary School on Wednesday 22nd March, 6-7pm.

The fourth instalment of £42.50 for the residential is due on Thursday 30th March, payment should be made through ParentPay as usual.

P1-P7 School Reports

This session school reports will be issued on Friday 24th March.  If you wish to speak to your child’s class teacher we have arranged a drop in for you to do so following the issue of your child’s school report.  Our drop in will be on Wednesday 29th March from 3.15pm and appointments will be made through the school office or by emailing the school. Mrs McAskill will issue a time accordingly to meet with your child’s teacher should you wish to.

Changes in pick up

Please contact the school before 2.30pm if you are changing your child’s pick up arrangements at the end of the day. It is very important that we know of have changes so that class teachers can be informed. Thank you

School Uniform

Your cooperation with your child wearing school uniform is greatly appreciated. We do not encourage black jeans and brightly coloured trainers to be worn. We would like children to wear black school shoes.

  • White or blue polo shirt
  • Maroon sweatshirt with badge
  • Dark grey, black or navy trousers, or black or grey skirt or pinafore

School Holidays

The school will be closed from Monday 3rd April to Friday 14th April.