Minutes from PFA meeting held 22 February 2023


Present: Ellie Moriarty [Treasurer] (EM), Amy Meek [Chair] (AM), Tracey Dick [Vice-Chair] (TD), Mandi Wright (MW), Jo Roberts [Secretary] (JR), Jill Horsburgh [Head teacher] (JR), Pauline Lannagan [Teacher] (PL), Rachel Davidson (RD), Toby Foster (TF), Phil Stephens (PS)

Apologies: Andrea Thacker (AT), Katie Aitchison (KA), Joanna Stewart (JS), Geraint Roberts (GR), Laura Cooksey (LC), Sarah Woodbury (SW), Katherine Lymer (KL), Michelle Wright (MW), James Thacker (JT)

Minutes from last meeting

Previous minutes from the December meeting proposed by TD, approved by EM.

Matters arising from last meeting

1. Constitution

PFA Constitution updated. TF mentioned membership attendance - if people are members they do need to participate/be active in some way (but not necessarily attending meetings). And they can then be voted off (in the unlikely event of non-participation). The wording in point 1 should be amended slightly to take this into account. (Action)

2. Who We Are (About the PFA)

Approved and will be displayed. (Action)

3. Training for PFA chairs

The Chair and Co-Chair attended training for PFA Chairs in December on how to work collectively as the cluster schools. They will provide more info in digestible format as and when to share with all PFA members.

4. Library

AM has been in doing some work on Wednesday afternoons. A Library project team is now assembled and will begin to help, hopefully from week beginning 6th March. (Action)

5. Transport for cross country

Active Schools paid for half of it and the PFA to pay for other half (EM/JH).

6. Breakfast club

It’s getting busier (MW). JH reported that the school might get more funding for breakfast club in the future. A survey will be going round from SBC re. Getting more funding. Could be grants available.

Parent Adele Richardson got in touch with Foulden Larder who offered a big freezer – it was too big but their support could be a great possibility for future items (TD). PL may have a freezer.

7. Xmas Raffle

Big thanks to the whole village for supporting this so well (MW). Super support from Darren and team at the shop, and, of course, to MW.

8. Cleaning in school

All is ok, following a query from parents last time as part of the Ayton School clean up and repaint last year.

9. Board games and bags

AM actioned this with lots of new items. Brilliant for the kids (TD).

Discussion points from parents

1. P1–4 outdoor space

There has been some funds from the now defunct toddler group. Can we spend funds on this (EM)? School can make a list for the outdoor area (PL). Outdoor paint has come off, so perhaps just wood stain for outside. To be looked at after Easter (JH).

Update following this meeting: Parent JS has started to plan with RD about an overall Outdoor Overhaul. More info to follow as and when.

2. After school clubs

  • Pickleball sessions have been successful – all 6 pupils are enjoying it. Hoping to continue it after Easter (TF/TD) with the same kids group. Photos of it in action were requested (AM). At the time P7 had netball going on. But possibly in the future it could be open to them. (Action)
  • Ms Bridgewater has offered a P5–7 lunch country dancing club.
  • P1–4 Fitness Club: From the 6th March P1-4 will have an after school club for 3 weeks – organised by Active Schools (info coming in newsletter).

3. P7 Hoodies

Fantasy Prints doing them. School are paying for them this year. This means the PFA will cover something else that requires funding.

4. iPad discussion

Some parents raised concerns that the pupils may be working on the iPads a bit more than expected (EM/TD). JH will check.

5. Ayton Gardening Society

To be held on the 1st Saturday in September. PFA was asked to do teas/coffees/bake sale but this is challenging for the PFA group, with childcare commitments etc.

Treasurer’s update

Opening balance 02/12/22: £951.12

Christmas raffle£1068.00
Ayton Toddler Group£197.31
BAVS equipment grant£150.00
Easy Fundraising£32.81
Christmas presents£180.96
Christmas party£60.62
Toy bags£113.00
SBC lottery licence£20.00
50:50 draw£43.00£35.00

Closing balance 22/02/23: £2032.66

Head teacher’s update (GH)

Started class reward token charts this week. Values certificates, recognition boards – children who are on these will be recognised at assembly, house points. Following school values and ensuring there is consistency across the school for all classes.

Newsletter next week with dates until the end of term.

Two day strike planned for Tuesday 28 February and Wednesday 1 March.

Class Trips:

  • P7 Wednesday 15th March Torness
  • P1-4 Wednesday 29th March Paxton House

Handbook – now on website. Displaying newsletters and other information in the entrance area. Jonathan Jones hasn’t been able to provide a date yet for the painting of the hall. New pegs – cloakroom can be congested but we have made some changes to help with this in the meantime.


Hopefully have an update soon regarding return to work for Mrs MacLeod. Mrs Higson will return tomorrow on supply to provide further learning support through direct teaching. Mrs Hunter due to return from maternity leave for the last two weeks of term in June. Extra PE with Miss Bridgewater was class teachers had some non-contact time owing, this was only a two week arrangement.

P7 Transition Information – EHS will be writing to P7 parents.

  • Wed 22 March: 9am – 1pm – Activities/Relationship Building half day (with support from the Rotary)
  • Tue 30 May: evening (time tbc) – P7 ‘Open School’ Parents’ Information Evening
  • Thu 8 June: 9am – 1pm – Practical/Getting to Know the school half day
  • Tue 13 & Wed 14 June: all day – Formal days following the S1 timetable

Residential – Mrs Easingwood (Eyemouth Primary) is getting packs ready and there will be a parents information evening at 6pm on Wednesday 22nd March at Eyemouth Primary School.

Any Other Business

  • Talk around a possible music support teacher - JH will look at this going forward (assuming she’s still in post as Head).
  • JH will look at consistency, particularly for the current P5–6 going forwards.
  • Yogi Bairns - doing tasters in school.
  • Is there a strategic wishlist from school re: School Improvement Plan? PS. Could also be a PFA driven ask… PFA survey to kids/parents to feed into a wishlist driven by PFA. Not just coming from the school (JR).
  • A list of what the PFA has spent money on could go up in school.


PFA Constitution

Point 1, The 2nd sentence needs to be expanded or changed re. Active participation of members.

Make changes and display on school noticeboard/on website. (TD/JR/TF)

PFA Who We Are

This document has been updated.

Display in school/on website. (JR/TF)

School library tidy up

Library/tidying up on Wednesdays at 2:30pm. Library system - group of parents to put it into order.

Confirm time with Jill H. Start wk beginning 6th March.
All welcome to come and tidy up the library and outdoor area.


The outside area needs an overhaul, both in the p1-2 area, and beyond.

Plans have started to get list together of needs and plan funding apps. JS has started coordinating with RD and will update. (JS/RD/OTHER VOLUNTEERS WELCOME)


Successful sessions - hoping to continue after Easter break.

Take photos for display. (TF)

Games Hall - redecoration and floor painting.

JH has been in contact with SBC but thinks an extra letter of support from parents would help.

AM to liaise with JH over support. (AM/JH)

PFA Spending

Useful to demonstrate where the funds go.

A list to be put up in school/web (EM/TF)

School wishlist/School Improvement Plan

School surveys coming out re what the kids want (and parents). PFA has funds to support.

PFA to liaise with JH about how to feed into the survey. What do parents, kids and the school staff want and need in the long term? Need someone to lead and liaise with the school. (NEEDS A PFA MEMBER TO LEAD.)

Breakfast Club

It’s getting busier!

A specific discussion needed between staff and PFA over how best to support it. It is currently under resourced. (NEEDS A PFA MEMBER TO LEAD)

Next PFA meeting

Thursday 18 May at 18:30