Minutes from PFA meeting held 01 December 2022
Present: Ellie Moriarty [Treasurer] (EM), Laura Cooksey (LC), Amy Meek [Chair] (AM), Tracey Dick [Vice Chair] (TD), Mandi Wright (MW), Sarah Woodbury (SW), Jo Roberts [Secretary] (JR), Jill Horsburgh [Head Teacher] (JR), Pauline Lannagan [Teacher] (PL), Adele Richardson (AR), David Harcus (DH), Rachel Davidson (RD)
Apologies: Andrea Thacker (AT), Katie Aitchison (KA), Toby Foster (TF), Katherine Lymer (KL), Joanna Stewart (JS), Philip Stephens (PS), Geraint Roberts (GR), Louise Buglass (LB)
Last meeting
Previous minutes from the 9/11/22 EGM via Zoom: Proposed by TD. Approved.
PFA Update
About the PFA - Information on “What we do (and don’t do)”
- TD to send round a brief “About the PFA” document to all parents for information - also to go up on the noticeboard in school.
- There will be training for the PFA Office Bearers (OBs) in December at EHS, along with Co-path and Coldingham OBs, to carry on working successfully to support the school (AM). This was signposted by JH. JH also mentioned that there are further SBC training opportunities.
The Constitution
TD gave overview. Old one was written in 2007. It has now been updated in line with current Scottish Government recommendations and will be emailed to all members for input/approval at the next PFA meeting for all, and then also put up on the noticeboard/on website.
Actions from 26th October meeting
PFA Members list
The newly updated PFA Members list is now up on the school noticeboard for information purposes (JR). JH said that the latest minutes will go up on the school noticeboard, too. The latest minutes are also up to read on the school website at https://aytonprimary.com/pfa/minutes/ (EM).
SW, JR, TD to do the library work. Needs to get in shape (SW). Needs half an hour a week regularly (TD).
School leadership groups
Discussion on where/when parent can get involved:
- PL updated that they are not yet needing help as they are pausing for Xmas activities.
- The Green Fingered Gurus group was given £200 from Soil Sisters so they are doing work.
- The Community Club is supporting the Tuesday Community Cafe, and also working with the organisers of the next Flower Show.
- Digital Ninjas have been active - blog on the website https://aytonprimary.com/blog/. Contact the PFA: hello@pfa.aytonprimary.com.
School calendar
Following Mrs Horsburgh arrival, parents are very happy with the information (AR/MW), and the format is popular. Big thanks from all.
Transport for trips
With enough notice perhaps the PFA can help to fund raise for these (EM/TD).
- E.g. There will be a cross country event for the P5-7s at Eyemouth on the 26th January (back up date of 2nd Feb). A bus will be needed (JH). PL suggested perhaps there could be a specific pot of fundraising for trips.
- The P7 residential trip has required payments from parents. Mrs Knox had suggested in the initial letter to parents that there may be financial support possible for this, but we are not sure whether this has happened for families. TD raised the possibility of the PFA helping support the P7 residential payments as quite expensive for parents (TD/JH).
- Trips generally - JH commented that a bit of fundraising would help and could be a P7 project (with PFA support).
The School Handbook
Discussion on the status of this as still outstanding. Due to the expense (and time), people are supportive of a digital version. JH to check where it is.
Music provision
JH explained that every Head has the choice of a curriculum support teacher. Ayton have a PE specialist (Miss Bridgewater), but not currently a music teacher. John Jacobs (ukulele) gave 2 sessions for P5-7, and may be able to do some with the younger ones.
Garden vandalism
Garden vandalism is still a bit of an issue - Possible to have a PC in to give talks for the kids to take good care of the landscape (JH).
Breakfast club volunteers
Still need volunteers. RD spoke to Logan from the Larder and they will donate food for that. Could possibly apply to Community Councils at Reston, and Foulden (as catchment) for funding. A freezer/fridge would be good (PL/RD). The PFA will look at funding support.
Xmas raffle update
There are 40 prizes so far and 400 tickets sold to date (MW). The raffle is meant to be drawn on the 19th December, but MW can’t attend the Xmas cracker. Now being drawn on 20th at 2pm in school, to enable MW to be there. Tickets - there are 2000 tickets in total.
50/50 Draw
The first one was drawn in November. There are 34 sign ups. Need to promote through village with signage. Agreed to prioritise Xmas raffle first.
After school clubs
TD and TF are starting the pickleball club - dates to confirm. Support from Active Schools and BAVS.
UPDATE: First date will be 26 January 2023, letter from school to follow.
Discussion points from parents
Condition of school
During the SBC walk round the school (before summer break), the school was found to be in need of deep cleaning. The school has since been redecorated and is in really good order. A question has been asked as to how this will be sustained in terms of the cleaning. JH will be meeting with Christian Robertson and James Bewsey and will raise this.
Lining up
Prior to lockdown the pupils used to be able to go in without lining up. Safety and increased numbers in the playground means lining up will continue, but parents are welcome to speak with JH on an individual basis (JH). Parents are also welcome to get back into the playground for pick-up (JH).
Indoor shoes
Only worn for PE or if needed.
Treasurer’s update
EM reported there is £900 in the bank. We are due £150 from BAVS for the Pickleball equipment. UPDATE: This has been paid.
The school could do with board games for classes (JH) - story bags needed with board games. AM/TD will look at donations of board games.
Headteacher’s update
From Interim Head Teacher, Mrs Horsburgh (JH has been in post since 9th Nov).
- Newsletters – November 2022 and December 2022 with Christmas calendar dates have been issued.
- ‘Learning Together’ opportunity on 1st December from 2:30pm was a success with many parents & grandparents able to attend.
- P1-4 outdoor Learning, last session Wednesday 7th December.
- Thanks to the village shop for donating advent calendars, one per child. Thank you letters being issued to Darren, the owner.
- Thank you very much to Mandi for organising a fantastic Christmas raffle.
- Plans for next term – Active Schools coordinator Niamh Westwood will be issuing letters for some after school clubs, starting with P5/6 and an opportunity for P7s to be trained in sports ambassadors/playground pals. Look out for information week beginning 9th January 2022.
- Curriculum Rationale – parental questionnaire will be issued after the Christmas break. This is to help triangulate information for the Curriculum Rationale.
Any other business
- Some kids are arriving late and need to arrive for the start of the school day at 8.45am (JH).
Next meeting
Date for the next PFA meeting: 22nd February at 3.15pm.
50/50 Draw
Live draw - Number 8 is the winner.
- About PFA and Constitution to be circulated before next meeting (TD/JR). About PFA document will be put up on the school noticeboard.
- PFA training in December (OBs)
- Library tidy (JR/TD/SW)
- PFA to fundraise for “Transport for Trips”, including a January Cross Country Eyemouth bus (PFA - Need a lead)
- PFA to find support for the Breakfast Club mid to long term, plus short-term needs including freezer (OBs and PFA members)
- Xmas Raffle - MW to get kids to draw on the 20th at school.
- Cleaning in school - JH to discuss with SBC.
- Board games and bag for classes - AM to source.